In order to 'catch up' here's 5 things that have gone on in the month of June.
1. My best friend Ellis got ENGAGED! Whilst she was on holiday in Turkey I was one of the very first people to received a little message informing me of the good news. As expected I was bloody ecstatic and cried, A LOT! It was just the best news that i've heard in a long time and it's really made June much a happy and exciting month! Although there won't be a wedding for a few years it's just so lovely to see Ellis so happy and optimistic.. with a gorgeous ring on her finger, plus i've been asked to be a bridesmaid which THRILLS me! Ellis and Shead are just made for each other and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for two of my favourite people! Exciting times ahead, i'm sure of it.
2. I've made some pretty big decisions about what I want from my life and what my next move is. I won't go into too much detail as I feel another blog post brewing regarding this topic. However I am genuinely happy with my decisions and I cannot wait to just live my life.. happily.
3. I changed up my hair colour. Gone is the jet black locks and hello to my new caramel highlights and chocolate brown hair. I was rather nervous about lightening up my hair as I've had very dark hair for a number of years now. It's always nice to have a change and i'd gotten to the point where I felt that my black hair was making me appear 'harsh' if that makes any sense? I'm booked in for more highlights and caramel goodness for the beginning of July so roll on beautiful golden locks!
4. I joined the bone marrow register! Joining this register is something that's always been at the back of my mind but something that I never acted upon. It wasn't until my Mum told me about a local child named Hollie Clark who's family were actively encouraging people to donate, due to the fact that Hollie herself desperately needs a transplant. It got my thinking that if a simple few pages of questions could lead to ultimately saving someones life then why on earth wouldn't I do it, so off I went and signed myself up.
Who knows I could potentially be a match for someone and wouldn't that just be amazing?
5. And finally, I got to see my little cousin off to his school prom! I've adored my cousin Christopher ever since he was born and i've had the pleasure of watching him grow into such an amazing, talented, kind young man who I could not be any prouder of. It was so lovely to see him all dressed up smart and he even ended up winning 'Best Dressed Bond', of course..
So there's my five catch up topics for the month of June, as i've been slacking on the blogging front.
Linked below will be an article about Hollie Clark and the Anthony Nolan website that allows you to join to bone marrow register. Joining may not be for everyone but I would definitely urge people to think it through.
One simple act of kindness could have the potential to change somebody's life.
Think it through and act on it.
Until next time,
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