Wednesday, 21 May 2014

22 Things About Me

1. I am an obsessive doodler. It's a serious problem and i've filled so many books with my endless scribbles. 

2. Despite my best efforts to follow a somewhat 'strict' skincare routine, there are many a nights that I fall asleep in my makeup and wake up looking like i've been beaten. 

3. I think i'm one of the only people to walk this earth who doesn't seem the big fuss about 'Queen B'. When did she even become Queen? Beyonce's alright but I won't be bowing down, no. 

4. I have absolutely no filter when it comes to getting angry. It goes in exactly this order (Calm > Absolutely lost my shit) it's a bit of an issue but what can you do when the red mist appears?

5. I have never and will never be slim/skinny. Not only would it never in a million years suit me, but i'm more than happy to be an advocate for every bigger girl out there who isn't happy in her own skin. Life's too short to give a shit. 

6. I fucking swear like a sailor on a daily basis. Oops.

7. I'm a bit of secret nerd. I love nothing better than researching things, anything from the Vikings and WW2 to how many bear attacks happened in 2013. Yes its true, I once spent 3 hours researching Bear and Wolf attacks in the last 100 years. Should I even admit that? 

8. I love serial killers (in the least creepy way possible) 

9. I once went through a massive piercing phase and decided that having my face look like one big mass of metal was somewhat 'cool'. Oh dear. 

10. I am a massive over-thinker and I panic about pathetic things. 

11. My left hand is smaller than my right and it bugs me greatly. 

12. I use my left hand to hold my knife and my right hand for my fork. So bloody cack handed. 

13. Anything that smells/tastes of cherry automatically gives me a headache. 

14. I could seriously live on crisps. Any type, flavour, shape or size.

15. Until quite recently I was convinced that we all had four kidney's! 

16. I cried when I went to Graceland, because I just love Elvis Presley that much.

17. I watched almost 10 years worth of Criminal Minds in a 6 weeks. 9 series, 24 episodes a series, 45 minutes per episode. I love that shit. 

18. My natural hair colour is a dirty blonde and I can confidently say that I will never have this colour hair.

19. When I was a kid I always wanted to be a hairdresser. 

20. When I was younger I desperately wanted glasses an asthma pump and a hearing aid. Glasses because I thought they were cool, an asthma pump because they intrigued me and embarrassingly a hearing aid because I discovered that they came in pink glitter and I was ALL OVER THAT SHIT. If it's glittery, I'll want it. I'm mortified to say that I got my own way (god knows how because I never any of these things) Now at 19 my eyesight is dire and I feel it's a case of karma. Shit. 

21. I sometimes sit down and try to come up with a fool proof invention that will make me my millions. (No such luck!) 

22. Congratulations if you even made it to this number and these things listed have been completely boring, unnecessarily written and will add nothing to your lives so well done, I salute you. 

Until next time, 


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