Thursday, 27 February 2014

25 Facts About Me

I've always quite liked the idea of doing a 'tag', however they mainly appear to be carried out on YouTube channels. Until now. I want to discuss 25 Facts About Me, just because it's a bit of fun and I personally always love to nose at other people's. I think it's a nice little snippet into someone's life. So with that stated, here's my 25 Facts About Me.

(Tried to be mildly creative and made this myself, editing genius? I think not!)

1) My middle name is Emily, I however ignore this as my initials spell out LES which just isn't the greatest thing in life, my mum & dad clearly didn't think this through. 

2) My cousin and I went to New York in 2008 and saw Tom Cruise in FAO Schwarz with his family. I fell flat on my face on his perfectly prepared red carpet. I am a disaster. 

3) I have 1 sister called Gemini, who i've previously blogged about.

4) I've been obsessed with Elvis Presley since I was a child (my dad's fault). In July last year I went to Memphis, TN and visited Graceland. Quite literally of the most overwhelming experiences of my life so far!

5) I have an unhealthy obsession with weddings/planning my own wedding. I just love the whole idea of getting married and planning all the fine details of my special day. 

6) I am truly addicted to buying makeup and beauty products as a whole, thank goodness for payday!

7) I've spent my whole life wanting to be a midwife (long before One Born Every Minute and all that jazz i'll have you know!)

8) Whilst on the subject of careers, I have not given up on my midwifery dream, however I have decided to study Adult Nursing at University first as I feel it broadens your horizons that bit more. 

9) I absolutely love children. Growing up with my mum being a childminder probably has something to do with it. I cannot wait for the day that I have a few nephews, nieces, god-children and of course kids of my own! 

10) I feel this overwhelming need to go to Australia and New Zealand, my fund has already started and I have so far saved £50.76, at least that's a suitcase sorted then.. 

11) I am ridiculously obsessed with list-making, planning and thoughtful preparation and writing down my thoughts. All of this is actually quite odd seeing as the rest of my life is quite chaotic, I guess I need a bit control in some aspects. 

12) There are times in my life when I think, 'I wish i'd actually considered becoming a makeup artist'. Makeup is my absolute passion but would it really be something that I could pursue as a career, i'm not so sure. 

13) I absolutely adore my cousins. I grew up every step of the way with Chloe (19) and Christopher (16) and I couldn't of asked for a better childhood with them. We're older now and have busy lives of our own to lead but we'll always make time for each other and remain extremely close. 

14) I am wholeheartedly spiritual. Spiritualism isn't something that I discuss often and i'm well aware that everyone has their own beliefs. Well this is mine. I've became intrigued at aged 11 when a close family friend told me that I had aspects of 'the gift'. I think i'd always known but it's only now that i'm old enough to understand and will be exploring it in more depth. Watch out for a blog post on this topic! 

15) I just love drinking juice, orange, pineapple, exotic.. you name a juice and i'll love it, bar apple juice because that is quite clearly satan's drink (yucccck!)

16) Whilst discussing my clear disregard for Apple Juice, I absolutely despise, hate, loathe with a passion anything apple scented or tasting. The only Apple love in my life is my Apple gadgets! 

17) My nan used to sit with me for hours and teach me how to perfect my hand-writing, all very old fashioned and perfectly joined up. Thanks to her I now have handwriting of an 80 year old and I like it. 

18) I would have loved to have lived through the 1940's and 50's. People were nicer, the clothes were prettier, the men we're gents and their whole way of life was just.. simpler. 

19) I went through a piercing phase where I clearly thought that the more metal I could have imbedded in my face, the better my life would be. Absolutely not. I'd advise anyone to seriously think before you get piercings as you may be left with unwanted holes in your face and ears that will just not return to their 'pre-stretched' days. One nose ring, a tongue piercing and a few studs and that's it for me these days. 

20) I've had a love affair with Disney since i've been able to understand what Disney is all about. The Lion King still remains to be my all time favourite film and it's actually a film that I hold dear to my heart. I've been to Disney World in Florida 6 times and every time is more magical and exciting than the last.

21) I'd rather give than receive. There's nothing I love more than taking the time to buy or make something for someone that you just know they're going to love. It's all about the thought that goes into a gift than the gift itself.

22) I am in every way possible a 'night owl'. If I had it my way I'd go about my daily life at night and sleep throughout the day. I just don't sleep well at night and people know that 99.9% of the time, i'll be the girl awake at 4.30am.

23) T.V Series are a serious weakness of mine. I don't think I can properly function without being engrossed in a good series. Some personal favourites of mine include, Ugly Betty, Call The Midwife, Prison Break, The Vampire Diaries, Dexter and currently Criminal Minds. 

24) I'm currently trying my very best to develop a somewhat friendship with my kitchen. Kitchen's and I do not get along and the most complex meal I can cook to an edible standard is Spaghetti Bolognese. I'd love to try my hand at baking, possibly cupcakes and cookies.. who know's I may even be able to bake a cake by the time i'm 30? Watch this space! 

And finally.. 

25) I am content. Probably the most content that i've ever been. I have an incredibly supportive family, the greatest friends a girl could ask for and a bunch of work colleagues that have become my second family. I am lucky. I have a heart that is.. beating.. for one, thank goodness, is somewhat bruised but not permanently broken and undoubtably strong enough to face any dilemma, hardship or heartache that life has planned out for me. 

I wonder if anyone else read's this and has facts about them similar to mine! 

Until next time, 


Slight changes.

Oh The Life of Lucy is no more. When I first started this blog I thought that I wanted to keep it quite exclusive to blogging solely about my life. However that's not the case anymore, I want to blog about everything!

When I sat and thought about it, Oh The Life of Lucy just didn't float my boat anymore so I decided to choose something a bit different, yet still relevant to myself. 
'Lucy Moonshine' is here to stay after thinking long and hard. It's short and sweet, still relevant and I think it's a tad cute. Lucy is quite obviously my name, however I chose Moonshine purely because I am an absolute night owl and I write the majority of my blog posts in the early hours of the morning when I can clearly see the moonshine through my bedroom window. 

Tah-Dah.. Lucy Moonshine has been born. I'm hoping to start blogging about various other loves in my life, such as my makeup/beauty favourites, self help and advice, spiritualism and my personal favourite homeware! 

Just a short snippet of changes, ideas, etc.. 

Until next time,


Tuesday, 25 February 2014

One from the heart.

Emotions are funny ol' things and I for one prefer to keep them to myself. I hate crying in front of people and pride myself on always having my emotions in check. I'm definitely no Ice Queen and my heart is very much there, I just don't wear it on my sleeve, most certainly not. I think for me it's about weakness, I despise showing any signs of weakness and crying in front of someone when you just can't keep it all in, for me is the ultimate vulnerable situation. The sad thing about it is that certain people, aka nasty bastards relish in seeing other people at their most vulnerable and find a somewhat enjoyment in watching other people's lives unravel in front of their very eyes. These people are the one's who would offer their 'support and a shoulder to cry on' and would no doubt throw in the cliche 'i'm always here for you'. However they've no doubt already subconsciously chosen which flavoured popcorn to settle down with tonight to tune in and watch as your life is left in tatters. As I said nasty bastards. Now that i've given abrupt introduction, here's just the tip of the iceberg of my story.. 

My situation at the moment isn't life changing, nor is it the most painful thing that i've ever been through, but it means a great deal to me and was one of the saddest times of my life.. so for that reason it is important. I don't ask for anyone's pity or even their support, this is just my little place to think out loud and write it down. However what I do ask is that nobody ever enjoys watching my little bit of misfortune, because enjoying this would make you heartless. Plain and simple.  

We adopted my sister 10 years ago this year and although those ten years have not been all bad, they certainly have not been plain sailing. March 24th 2004 I became a big sister to a little five year old girl. With her strong Welsh accent, ridiculously long dark hair, tiny freckles and cheeky grin she was nothing that i'd ever pictured but she was mine and I was hers, forever. I was 9 years old and I remember making a promise to myself that whatever happened, wherever i'd go and whatever i'd do she would always be my sister, always. 

Fast forward ten years and here we are, i'm 19 and my sister is now 15 years old. She's not a little girl anymore and she doesn't need/want me to protect her, which is fine because i'll do it regardless. Cut a very long and upsetting story short, the adoption wasn't a fairytale ending. We didn't live happily ever after and it turns out that she wasn't mine forever. Teenage years are never easy but when my sister turned into a teenager it became as far away from easy as humanly possible. We had a lot of other things going on in our lives but my sister just overnight went from a lovely girl to a very troubled, soul destroying child. This took it's toll for a couple of years until it all became too much for us all as a family. 
Three days before Christmas in 2012 my sister went back into foster care and that was the last time she stepped foot into the home where we'd grown up together. 
I wasn't here when she left but when I returned home it hit me like nothing i'd ever felt before. In the weeks that passed after that we didn't see each other and I felt like I was grieving, as though she'd died. It's only now that I realise that I was grieving, I was grieving for the family that i'd had and one that would never be the same again. The house was so quiet, so quiet but it screamed a reminder that I was completely on my own, again. I felt as though I was a nine year old only child again, longing for companionship and someone to spend my time with. It was probably one of the saddest times of my entire life when she left.

Since she left my sister has moved area's numerous times, wherever she goes she causes some sort of destruction, therefore she's never in one place for very long. She's switched schools twice in four months and her life is just one big mass of instability and self-destruction. The main problem with my sister is that she's never satisfied. Having a loving, caring family wasn't enough for her, nothing will ever be enough for her and that's an issue that will follow her for the rest of her life. Will she ever find what she's looking for? I hope for her sake that she does. It's extremely hard to sit back and watch someone that you love hit the self-destruct button, it makes you completely helpless and constantly makes you question 'could I have done more?'. The answer will always for me be no, I couldn't have. I've stuck by my sister for the last ten years and I can confidently say that nobody has stuck by her the way that I have. It's been extremely patience testing and at times quite unbearable to stick by her with some of the heartbreaking things that she's done, but I promised ten years ago that she would always be my sister, no matter what. I've never once gone back on that, despite the numerous times that I've sworn that she's had my support 'for the last time'. If anyone has ever been in my situation then they know exactly how hard it is to walk away from a child who is not only vulnerable but one who just so happens to be your sibling. My only question is, how much can they push you away, utterly disappoint you, say awful things to you and ultimately remind you that you're 'not real sisters' before you take a deep breath and realise that there's nothing more that you can do. When is it time to walk away and accept the fact that nothing that you do can change, help, make them a better person. I really just don't know.  It's so easy to say that 'this is it' or that it's 'the last time' but I just don't think that there will ever be a time in which I say those words, mean them and stick to them. She needs me and although the majority of the time she doesn't think that she does, I know that she needs me and until she's old enough to make a conscious decision then i'm not going anywhere. I'll remain loyal, let people question why I do it, but i'll always have the comfort of being able to say that 'I did everything that I could'. 

There's moments when I look at her and I still see this damaged, yet content and happy five year old little girl and if anything it's a cruel reminder of just how different her life is now. She's not a bad person, and she's certainly not heartless. She has the ability to care for people, just in her own defensive type of way. I'll never know how she truly feels, because I don't think even she knows but I'm willing to keep trying until those barriers are broken down. 

I honestly don't know what the future holds for Gem, I can only hope that she figures out what she wants from life and finds something that makes her truly happy. Maybe if she found what she's been looking for, she wouldn't have to run away in search of finding it all the time. I don't think her life will ever be easy or straightforward, but if i've ever been sure of anything I know that she'll spend the rest of her life fighting her demons in search of her own fairytale ending. She's a force to be reckoned with and despite everything that we've been through, I love her, miss her and will always and forever be there for her. One day she'll realise that.

My childhood promise still remains, she will always be my sister, no matter what.
She is mine, and I am her's. 


Until next time, 


Friday, 14 February 2014

My Valentine's Day.

February 14th is just one day in 365 but it just so happens to be the one day of the year that either annoyingly reminds you that you're pathetically and very much single or incredibly loved up in some sort of heart shaped bubble. Don't get me wrong I don't 'hate' Valentines Day, and neither do I find it pointless, in fact I think it's quite a nice occasion.. if you have someone to share it with. 
I'm not the type of person who will sit and analyse my lack of current relationships and if anything I choose to be single, it works for me right now and in all honesty i'm having 'Lucy time' and taking a break from baggage ridden knob heads. As I mentioned Valentine's Day for me is always an abrupt reminder that I am once again single for the occasion. Also I find it a somewhat little joke with myself that I always end up single in time for Valentine's, in my case past relationships have for some odd reason always ended at the beginning of February, how very convenient aye? 

Throughout the day I have scrolled through what seems like enough flowers to fill a forest, a ridiculous amount of Thornton's chocolates, and not forgetting the naff 'I love you' teddies which will no doubt be conveniently misplaced by February 17th-18th. Nobody can ever say that i'm bitter, hmmmmmm. 
This year i've noticed an increase of Millie's Cookies being bought, Thomas Sabo charms being hung and 1 night stays in swanky hotels (which is a bit of an envious one). 
I'm pretty sure all of these people who've been lucky enough to receive gifts and treats will be appreciative and will no doubt all feel like 'the luckiest girl in the world'. That's a good thing and if the majority of females feel that way today, then boys from me to you a very sincere pat on the back for your successful efforts!

Now for my own version of 'Valentine's Day'. 
I did actually consider getting dressed up today, however I quickly came to my senses and after my shower I swiftly changed into fresh PJ's and crawled back under my duvet. Since doing so i'll be completely honest and admit that i've probably moved from my bed three times at most, oops. Today's viewing has consisted of Orange is The New Black, 24, Disney Films, Anchorman and Bridget Jones. I've not long finished watching About Time, which I actually found a tad depressing and regretted watching almost immediately.. purely being concerned for my mental well being on this lonesome day. As if that wasn't thrilling enough I was accompanied by two gentleman, sadly not human beings.. more along the lines of two names on an ice cream tub. Yes of course, Ben & Jerry(s) the only two men in the world who have successfully numbed break-up anguish and as I imagine sometimes cured pregnancy cravings. They're handy bastards, adored by many and present during us women's most vulnerable of moments. We thank & salute you. 
In addition to my love affair with Ben, Jerry or maybe even both I've successfully polished off a bottle of wine since being bed ridden. May I add that 100% of this beverage was drunk straight from the bottle seeing as I just couldn't justify moving to get a glass when I intended on drinking it all anyway. I should quickly just highlight that I do not have a drinking problem, I'm just having an intense lazy day.. we've all done it at some point ladies. Surprisingly I'm not actually tipsy, however i'm yet to decide whether this is a blessing or a feeling of being somewhat robbed. Debatable. 
Ideally I would have ordered some form of takeaway but i'm unfortunately on the wrong side of pay day, so i've settled for a packet of Ready Salted crisps and my Mum's box of not-so-nice chocolate's from my Dad. Don't you just wish you were living my life right now, it is truly a thrill attempting to dodge the vile coffee choccies whilst in complete darkness. Just thrilling. 
My next plan of action is to catch up on Call The Midwife, exchange Valentine's loathing texts' with my best friend and maybe if i'm feeling crazy I may leave my pit to switch the bedroom light on.. dodging the coffee chocolates is proving all too stressful for me.. 

Whether you're lucky enough to be sipping champange in a posh hotel, out for the occasion with a loved one, having a relaxing night in or even becoming Kermit the Hermit like me.. enjoy what's left of your night. 

For every singleton out there, a lot can happen in a year so in the hour and a half left of Valentine's Day 2014 firstly give yourself a little fist pump for surviving the day with your emotions in tact. Secondly, remember that you don't actually need a boyfriend/girlfriend to confirm that you're loved, you have family around 24/7 for that and most importantly you'll always have yourself to fall back on if all else fails. Having the ability to love and appreciate the person that you are will forever be more difficult that finding a special someone who'll do if for you. 

Happy Valentine's Day! 

Until next time, 
